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28 photos
Turkish round shield with lance-like center,red velvet,
gold braid, steel and wood.

Turkish round shield with lance-like center,red velvet, gold braid, steel and wo...

Venetian round shield, leatherwork.

Venetian round shield, leatherwork.

Venetian pointed shield, painted leather, showing the  
Venetian lion of Saint Mark.

Venetian pointed shield, painted leather, showing the Venetian lion of Saint M...

The Byzantine Emperor Alexius IV Angelus               
before the Doge of Venice, Enrico Dandolo,             
asking help of the crusaders in 1202.                          
Oil on canvas (1578)

The Byzantine Emperor Alexius IV Angelus before the Doge of Veni...

The Forth Crusade: Surrender of Zara in 1202 to the Doge Enrico Dandolo.       
Oil on canvas

The Forth Crusade: Surrender of Zara in 1202 to the Doge Enrico Dandolo....

Crusaders storm Constantinople,1204                    
Oil on canvas

Crusaders storm Constantinople,1204 Oil on canvas

The Doge of Venice Enrico Dandolo and his crusaders    
storming the city of Zara in 1202.                     
Oil on canvas (16th).

The Doge of Venice Enrico Dandolo and his crusaders storming the city of Zar...

Coronation of Baudoin I, Emperor of Byzantium.
Oil on canvas

Coronation of Baudoin I, Emperor of Byzantium. Oil on canvas

The crusaders' conquest of Constantinople in 1204      
Oil on canvas

The crusaders' conquest of Constantinople in 1204 Oil on canvas

Venetian victory over rival maritime city state Pisa   
in 1099 under Giovanni Michiel.                        
Oil on canvas

Venetian victory over rival maritime city state Pisa in 1099 under Giovanni M...

Sea-battle between Venetians and Genoeses in 1265      
near Trapani, Sicily.                                  
Oil on canvas (16th).

Sea-battle between Venetians and Genoeses in 1265 near Trapani, Sicily....

Marble statue

Adam. Marble statue