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24 photos
The Expulsion from Paradise (Genesis 3, 23-24).        
Top row left of the murals in the Brancacci Chapel,    
the private chapel of the Brancacci family of Florence.
1425-1428     See 40-07-8/1-24                         
214 x 90 cm
#400708 1

The Expulsion from Paradise (Genesis 3, 23-24). Top row left of the mura...

Jesus, Saint Peter and the tax collector (Matthew 17,  
24-27). A tax collector in Caphernaum asks for tribute,
Jesus tells Peter to catch a fish, in whose mouth      
he will find a coin. 1425-1428. See 40-07-08/1-24      
247 x 597 cm
#400708 2

Jesus, Saint Peter and the tax collector (Matthew 17, 24-27). A tax collector...

Jesus, Saint Peter and the tax collector (Matthew 17,  
24-27) Detail:  Two apostles watch as Jesus tells Peter
to catch a fish in whose mouth he will find the money  
for the tax.    1425-1428.   See 40-07-08/1-24         
247 x 597 cm (entire panel)
#400708 3

Jesus, Saint Peter and the tax collector (Matthew 17, 24-27) Detail: Two apos...

Jesus, Saint Peter and the tax collector (Matthew 17,  
24-27). Detail: Four Apostles watch as Saint Peter is  
told to catch a fish in whose mouth he will find the   
tax money. 1425-1428.      See 40-07-08/1-24           
247-297 cm (entire panel)
#400708 4

Jesus, Saint Peter and the tax collector (Matthew 17, 24-27). Detail: Four Apo...

Saint Peter hands the tribute to the tax collector,    
after he has found the coin in the mouth of a fish,    
as Jesus predicted. (Matthew 17, 24-27). From the      
top row of murals in the private chapel of the         
Brancacci family. 1425-1428   See 40-07-08/1-24
#400708 5

Saint Peter hands the tribute to the tax collector, after he has found the c...

Saint Peter baptizes a neophyte. In the background,    
another neophyte buttons his blue robe, his hair       
still wet, a third takes off his white shirt, while    
a fourth waits, shivering. 1425-1428.                  
See 40-07-08/1-24     247 x 172 cm
#400708 6

Saint Peter baptizes a neophyte. In the background, another neophyte buttons...

The neophyte, detail from the baptism-scene 40-07-08/8 
From the top row of murals of the private chapel of    
the Brancacci family.   See 40-07-08/1-24              
247 x 172 cm (entire panel)
#400708 7

The neophyte, detail from the baptism-scene 40-07-08/8 From the top row of mura...

Two Florentine gentlemen, detail from Saint Peter's    
healing of a lame man (Acts 3, 1-10). From the top     
row right of the murals in the private chapel of the   
Brancacci family. 1425-28. See 40-07-08/1-24           
247 x 588 cm (entire panel)
#400708 8

Two Florentine gentlemen, detail from Saint Peter's healing of a lame man (A...

Saint Paul visits Saint Peter in prison, from the      
lower row of murals in the private chapel of the       
Brancacci family. 1425-1428   See 40-07-08/1-24        
232 x 89 cm
#400708 9

Saint Paul visits Saint Peter in prison, from the lower row of murals in t...

Saint Peter resurrects the son of Teophil, prefect of  
Antiochia, his jailer. Because of this miracle, Saint  
Peter is liberated (Legenda Aurea). The resurrected boy
is a portrait of the young Gian Galeazzo Visconti.     
Painted with Filippino Lippi. 1425-1428.  232 x 597 cm

Saint Peter resurrects the son of Teophil, prefect of Antiochia, his jailer. B...

Specators watch the miraculous resurrection of the son 
of Theophil, prefect of Antiochia. Detail 40-07-08/10. 
Lower row of murals from the private chapel of the     
Brancacci family. Legenda Aurea. Painted in cooperation
with Filippino Lippi. 1425-1428. See 40-07-08/1-24

Specators watch the miraculous resurrection of the son of Theophil, prefect of...

Saint Peter resurrects the son of the prefect Teophil, 
his jailer. Detail: the boy rising from the dead. He   
has the face of the young Gian Galeazzo Visconti. From 
the murals in the private chapel of the Brancacci      
family. Legenda Aurea. 1425-1428. See 40-07-08/1-24

Saint Peter resurrects the son of the prefect Teophil, his jailer. Detail: the...