Shrine of the sons of Burgundian King Sigismund. On the narrow side Saint...
Reliquary of the sons of Burgundian King Sigismund, Saints Giskald and Gunde...
Reliquary of the sons of Burgundian King Sigismund, Saints Giskald and Gunde...
Reliquary of the sons of Burgundian King Sigismund, Saints Giskald and Gunde...
Reliquary of the sons of Burgundian King Sigismund, Saints Giskald and Gund...
Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) on a throne supported by griffins. From the m...
Group of Blessed, from the Last Judgement tympanon, Sainte-Foy Church, Conqu...
St. Martin in Zillis, Switzerland. The Romanesque church of 1130-1140 is b...
King David (top); Saint Joseph's doubts (bottom). The panels forming the...
Church in Negrentino, Switzerland
So-called "Imervard-Cross", a version of the Italian "Volto Santo" Cross from...
Head of a prince (?) Limestone