4 photos
Animal burial places, especially those of cats, in
Bubastis in the Eastern delta of the Nile. Bastet,
the cat-goddess, was the protectress of the city.
Bubastis was the residence of the 22nd-24th Dynasties.

Animal burial places, especially those of cats, in Bubastis in the Eastern delta...

Animal burial places, especially those of cats, in
Bubastis in the Eastern delta of the Nile. Bastet,
the cat-Goddess, was the protectress of the city.
Bubastis was the residence of the 22nd-24th Dynasties.

Animal burial places, especially those of cats, in Bubastis in the Eastern delta...

Animal burial places, especially those of cats, in
Bubastis in the eastern delta of the Nile. Bastet,
the Cat-Goddess, was the protectress of the city.
Bubastis was the residence of the 22nd-24th Dynasties.

Animal burial places, especially those of cats, in Bubastis in the eastern delta...

Ruins of Bubastis, a city in the eastern delta         
of the Nile River, residence of the 22nd-24th          
Dynasties (10th BCE).

Ruins of Bubastis, a city in the eastern delta of the Nile River, resid...