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37 photos
Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960:West German
chancellor Konrad Adenauer arrives at the Elysee Palace
for a talk with General De Gaulle prior to the
Summit Conference.May 15,1969

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960:West German chancellor Konrad Adenauer arriv...

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: The Garde Republicaine.
May 15,1969

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: The Garde Republicaine. May 15,1969

Failed Paris Summit Conference, 1960.

Failed Paris Summit Conference, 1960.

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: The Garde Republicaine.
May 15,1969
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Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: The Garde Republicaine. May 15,1969

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: President General Eisenhower arrives at the Elysee and is greeted by French
Prime minister Debre.
May 15,1969
#601110 7

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: President General Eisenhower arrives at the...

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: Khrushchev        
greeted by President De Gaulle at the Elysee.          
#601111 2

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: Khrushchev greeted by President De...

Failed summit conference in Paris: Tim Haggerty, President Eisenhower's press chief, and diplomat Charles (Chip) Bohlen.

Failed summit conference in Paris: Tim Haggerty, President Eisenhower's press ch...

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960:The press awaits   
the participants. Paris,1960
#601114 4

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960:The press awaits the participants. Paris,...

Furious over the U-2 spy-plane incident,Khrushchev     
decided to boycott the Paris Summit Conference 1960.   
He visited the village of Moeurs,where his Minister of 
Defence,Rodion Malinovski,had been billeted in WW I.   
To prove his mettle,he took the axe of a woodcutter.
#601117 6A

Furious over the U-2 spy-plane incident,Khrushchev decided to boycott the P...

Furious over the U-2 spy-plane incident,Khrushtchev    
decided to boycott the Summit Conference.Instead,he    
drove to the village of Moeurs,where his Minister of   
Defence,Rodion Malinovski,had been billeted in WW I.   
Enthousiastic reception in Moeurs,1960

Furious over the U-2 spy-plane incident,Khrushtchev decided to boycott the S...

Failed Summit Conference 1960:Waiting for Khrushtchev. 
President De Gaulle,French Foreign Minister Couve de   
Murville and advisor.When Khrushtchev failed to show up
the Western powers decided on a strategy meeting.      
May 17,1960,Elysee Palace,1960.

Failed Summit Conference 1960:Waiting for Khrushtchev. President De Gaulle,Fren...

Paris Summit Conference 1960: Before some 2.000
journalists,Khrushtchev held a closing press conference
blasting the West and the Western press ("riff-raff").
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrej Gromyko next to
Khrushtchev. Palais Chaillot,Paris,1960.

Paris Summit Conference 1960: Before some 2.000 journalists,Khrushtchev held a c...