37 photos
Mythical creature with gazelle's head, lion's body     
and snake's tail. Enamelled tile  and ceramic brick.   
Detail from the Ishtar Gate, Babylon, Mesopotamia      
Period of Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BCE)

Mythical creature with gazelle's head, lion's body and snake's tail. Enamel...

Lion.  Enameled tile and ceramic brick,                
from the Ishtar Gate, Babylon, Mesopotamia

Lion. Enameled tile and ceramic brick, from the Ishtar Gate, Ba...

An archer. Detail from the procession of archers       
(515 BCE), from the palace of                          
Dareios the Great (522-486 BCE), Susa, Iran            
Enamelled tiles

An archer. Detail from the procession of archers (515 BCE), from the pala...

An archer. Detail from the procession of archers       
(515 BCE), from the palace of                          
Dareios the Great (522-486 BCE), Susa, Iran            
Enamelled tiles

An archer. Detail from the procession of archers (515 BCE), from the pala...

The Adoration of the Magi, from the Verdun Altar.      
Enamel plaque in champleve technique on gilded         
copper (begun 1181).

The Adoration of the Magi, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in champl...

The "Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux".  Detail, pedestal      
with translucent enamels on blue background. See       
also 15-01-04/8. Gilded silver, 1339.                   
Size: 6.3 x 4.5 cm                                     
MR 419
#150104 9

The "Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux". Detail, pedestal with translucent ename...

Saint Elisabeth of Thuringia giving to the poor. Detail from the    
shrine of Saint Elisabeth, Margravine of Thueringen.   
Gilded copper and enamel (1235-1250)                   
November 19th

Saint Elisabeth of Thuringia giving to the poor. Detail from the shrine of...

Adoration of the Magi, with donor Emperor Otto IV      
at Christ's Baptism. Detail from the Shrine of the     
Three Magi at the high chancel of the cathedral.       
Gold, enamel, precious stones, cameos, antique gems    
(begun 1181)

Adoration of the Magi, with donor Emperor Otto IV at Christ's Baptism. Det...

Christ-King with Saints Nabur and Felix (on the        
gable, reverse side). Detail from the Shrine of        
the Three Magi at the high chancel of the cathedral.   
Gold, enamel, precious stones, antique gems, cameos    
(begun 1181)

Christ-King with Saints Nabur and Felix (on the gable, reverse side). De...

The Madonna with child and 4 kings: Emperor            
Otto IV and the 3 Magi. Detail of the Shrine of the    
Three Holy Kings at the high chancel of the cathedral  
Gold, enamel, precious stones, antique gems, cameos    
(begun 1181)

The Madonna with child and 4 kings: Emperor Otto IV and the 3 Magi....

King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.                   
Detail from the Verdun Altar.                          
Enamel plaque in champsleve technique                  
on gilded copper (begun 1181)

King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Detail from the Verdun A...

King Charles VI adoring Virgin Mary and Child.         
Detail from the altar "Goldenes Roessl"                
(Golden Horse), see 15-01-04/49 - 51.                      
Limoges enamel and gold (1404)                         
Height: 62 cm

King Charles VI adoring Virgin Mary and Child. Detail from the altar "...