7 photos
Three apostles, Matthew, James and Peter. Remains of   
frescos on the north side of the apse of the Church    
of the Holy Cross, Achthamar Island, Van Lake,Turkey.  
The church was built 915-921 for Armenian King Gagik   
by his master builder Manuel.

Three apostles, Matthew, James and Peter. Remains of frescos on the north sid...

Saint James,apostle.The shell on his hat shows he      
is a pilgrim and protector of pilgrims.                
One of originally six Saint's busts from the           
Seekapelle (Lake chapel) in Bregenz.

Saint James,apostle.The shell on his hat shows he is a pilgrim and protect...

Saint Jacques in a stained glass window from the       
church St. Severin, Paris,                             
Around 1380

Saint Jacques in a stained glass window from the church St. Severin, Pari...

Saint James' victory over the Moors.                  
Oil on canvas (1660)                                   
231 x 168 cm                                           
Inv. 5848

Saint James' victory over the Moors. Oil on canvas (1660)...

Saint James,apostle and pilgrim.                       

Saint James,apostle and pilgrim. Canvas

Jesus calls the sons of Zebedee, James and John.       
(Mark 1:19), 1515.                                     
Poplar wood, 124 x 80 cm                               

Jesus calls the sons of Zebedee, James and John. (Mark 1:19), 1515....

La Vierge a l'enfant entre Saint Georges et            
Saint Jacques - Madonna and child between Saints       
George and James, around 1517                          
Canvas, 137 x 61 cm (central panel)                    
        121 x 44,5 cm (left and right panels)  Inv. 57.

La Vierge a l'enfant entre Saint Georges et Saint Jacques - Madonna...