
Isaiah 14, 11 - 15

Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

126 photos
A monk catches the Devil - De Exorcismus.
From "De Universo" by Rabano Mauro (780/784-856, Carolingian theologian).

A monk catches the Devil - De Exorcismus. From "De Universo" by Rabano Mauro (7...

Chensumose, 3 demons with knives, tethered donkey.     
Book of the dead by Chensumose, a priest of Amun-Re.   
Papyrus. 21st Dynasty (1080-960 BCE), 3rd Intermediate 
Period, Egypt.

Chensumose, 3 demons with knives, tethered donkey. Book of the dead by Chen...

Humbaba,demon genie and guardian of the cedar forests  
of the Lebanon-range. Period of the Amorite dynasties. 
In the Gilgamesh-epic,Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu come
cut off the demon's head. 20th-16th BCE                
Terracotta, H: 6,9 cm       Inv. 65662

Humbaba,demon genie and guardian of the cedar forests of the Lebanon-range. P...

South-east corner of the wall around                   
the Temple Mount of Jerusalem.                         
Jesus was tempted here by the devil.

South-east corner of the wall around the Temple Mount of Jeru...

Christ in limbo, from a reliquary.                     
Gilded and enamelled plaque

Christ in limbo, from a reliquary. Gilded and enamelled pla...

Christ in limbo, from a reliquary.                     
Close-up of 15-01-01/21                                
Gilded and enamelled plaque

Christ in limbo, from a reliquary. Close-up of 15-01-01/21...

Christ's descent to hell, from the Verdun Altar.       
Enamel plaque in champleve technique on gilded         
copper (begun 1181)

Christ's descent to hell, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...

Head of Christ. Detail of the Healing                  
of a person possessed by an evil spirit,               
from Milan, Italy.                                     
Carved ivory tablet (around 970 CE)

Head of Christ. Detail of the Healing of a person possessed by...

The exorcism of Gadara: Christ heals a man possessed;   
the demons flee into pigs who drown themselves in      
Lake Tiberias. From Milan,Italy.                       
Carved ivory tablet (ca. 970)

The exorcism of Gadara: Christ heals a man possessed; the demons flee into p...

Job tortured by the devil (Job 2).                     
From the choir of Saint Thomas church,                 
Around 1270                                            
Height 52.5 cm

Job tortured by the devil (Job 2). From the choir of Saint...

Apocalypse of Saint Jean de Lorvao.The White Knight    
on a white horse leaves for battle against Satan.  

Apo 6: 1 - 2

Apocalypse of Saint Jean de Lorvao.The White Knight on a white horse leaves...

"Scivias"(Know the ways of the Lord) by the German nun 
and mystic Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179).The book,  
Codex Rupertsberg,disappeared during WW II.Transparen- 
cies are from a facsimile.Christ has chained the old   
serpent to the abyss.It cannot reach the righteous.

"Scivias"(Know the ways of the Lord) by the German nun and mystic Hildegard von...