Saints "F"

Fabian, Felician, Felix, Florian, Foy (Fides), Francis of Assisi, Francis of Paula, Fracis of Sales, Francis Xavier, Francois Romaine and Fridolin.

87 photos
Roman oil-lamp with PAX monogram,                      
from Lauriacum (ca. 300 CE)                            
Background: The Martyrdom of Saint Florian.            
Oil painting, Donauschule (16th)

Roman oil-lamp with PAX monogram, from Lauriacum (ca. 300...

Christ-King with Saints Nabur and Felix (on the        
gable, reverse side). Detail from the Shrine of        
the Three Magi at the high chancel of the cathedral.   
Gold, enamel, precious stones, antique gems, cameos    
(begun 1181)

Christ-King with Saints Nabur and Felix (on the gable, reverse side). De...

Gradual in note 11 (V),a score for music to be sung    
at the steps (gradus) of the altar,after the epistle.  
Initial "G: of Gaudeant;Saint Francis with the cross.  
Latin manuscript,Gothic writing,second half 17th.      
Parchment,53 x 37 cm

Gradual in note 11 (V),a score for music to be sung at the steps (gradus) of...

Single illustration from a lost codex of the           
second half 17th.Saint Francis of Assisi.              
Parchment,51 x 41 cm

Single illustration from a lost codex of the second half 17th.Saint F...

Saint Florian with lance and shield.                   
Stained glass window

Saint Florian with lance and shield. Stained glass window

Sainte-Foy Church, Conques, Aveyron. The former        
Benedictine Abbey no longer exists, but its church,    
Sainte-Foy, has survived.                              

Sainte-Foy Church, Conques, Aveyron. The former Benedictine Abbey no lon...

Saint Florian.                                         
Wood, first half 14th

Saint Florian. Wood, first half 14th

The Adoration of the Magi (top) and Saint Francis      
Assisi receiving the stigmata, window in the           
Franciscan Church in Erfurt, Germany.                  
Around 1235

The Adoration of the Magi (top) and Saint Francis Assisi receiving the sti...

The Abbey of Conques was destroyed by the Sarrazins and
rebuilt by King Louis le Debonnaire in the 12th century.
It became a place of pilgrimage because of the relics of
Saint Foy which were deposed there.

The Abbey of Conques was destroyed by the Sarrazins and rebuilt by King Louis l...

Saint Francis of Sales (1567-1622), Bishop of Geneva,  
preacher and writer against the Reformation, founder   
of the Order of the Salesian nuns.

Saint Francis of Sales (1567-1622), Bishop of Geneva, preacher and writer agai...

Prayerbook and bishop seal of Saint Francis of Sales   
(1567-1622), Bishop of Geneva, preacher and writer     
against the Reformation.

Prayerbook and bishop seal of Saint Francis of Sales (1567-1622), Bishop of G...

Chalice, patene and Antependium with portrait of       
Saint Francis of Sales (1567-1622), Bishop of Geneva,  
preacher and writer against the Reformation.

Chalice, patene and Antependium with portrait of Saint Francis of Sales (...