6 photos
The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz   
Liszt directed by Charles Vidor,starred Dirk Bogarde   
as Liszt and model Capucine as Princess Sayn-          
Wittgenstein. Cameraman Henry James Wong Howe.

The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz Liszt directed by Charle...

The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz   
Liszt directed by Charles Vidor,starred Dirk Bogarde   
as Liszt and model Capucine as Princess Sayn-          
Wittgenstein.Director Charles Vidor. Bayreuth, 1959

The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz Liszt directed by Charle...

The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz   
Liszt directed by Charles Vidor,starred Dirk Bogarde   
as Liszt and model Capucine as Princess                
Sayn-Wittgenstein.Dirk Bogarde and camerman            
Henry James Wong Howe at the Bayreuth Opera,1959.

The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz Liszt directed by Charle...

The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz   
Liszt directed by Charles Vidor,starred Dirk Bogarde   
as Liszt and model Capucine as Princess Sayn-          
Director Charles Vidor.

The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz Liszt directed by Charle...

The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz   
Liszt directed by George Cukor,starred Dirk Bogarde    
as Liszt and model Capucine as Princess Sayn-          
Director Cukor and Capucine.

The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz Liszt directed by George...

The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz   
Liszt directed by Charles Vidor,starred Dirk Bogarde   
as Liszt and model Capucine as Princess Sayn-          
Dirk Bogarde as Franz Liszt.

The movie about the life and loves of composer Franz Liszt directed by Charle...