Juana the Mad (1473-1555), wife of Philip the Fair, daughter of Isabella of...
Emperor Charles V (1519-1556), aged approximately 17....
Emperor Charles V (1519-1556). By an unknown Southern G...
Francois I, King of France (1494-1547). Oil on wood (1535)...
Queen Eleonora of France, wife of Francois I of France, daughter of Philip the F...
Ann of Cleves (1515-1557), wife of King Henry VIII. Parchment on canvas (153...
Admiral Gaspard de Coligny (1519-1572), French Calvinist, statesman, and officer...
King Charles IX of France (1550-1574). Full-size portrait....
King Charles IX of France (1550-1574). Oil on oakwood (1561)...
Mary Stuart, Queen of the Scots (1542-1587). Crayon (1559)
The future King Henry IV of France (1553-1610) at the time of his marri...
Vigilius van Aytta (1507-1577), chancellor to the Governor of the Netherla...