Charles VIII, King of France (1470-1498). Bronze bust made during...
Medallion of Catherine of Medici, *1519 +1589, Queen of France Blue ename...
Catherine of Medici, Queen of France. Portrait of the Queen in...
King Charles IX of France, son of Catherine of Medici. Portrait in a medallionb...
Medallion of Catherine of Medici, *1519 +1589, Queen of France. Reverse si...
Court ball at the Palais du Louvre on the occasion of the wedding of Anne, Duc d...
Court ball at the Palais du Louvre on the occasion of the wedding of Anne, Duc d...
Henri III, King of France, carrying the blue ribbon of the Order of the Saint E...
Room of King Henri III in Blois. Henri, Duke de Guise, leader of the Catholic Le...
Hall of the Conspirators: The Huguenots met here during the Wars of Religion. Me...
Hall of the Conspirators. The Huguenots met here during the Wars of Religion. M...
The Hall of the Conspirators: The Huguenots met here during the Wars of Relig...