1 subcategory


606 photos
King Ferdinand II of Aragon (1452-1516).Contemporary   
copy of a work by a Dutch painter;the Vienna copy      
corresponds to that in the Windsor Collection,which    
has been ascribed to Michiel Sittow.                   
Oil on wood,29 x 22 cm,around 1490-1500. Inv.830

King Ferdinand II of Aragon (1452-1516).Contemporary copy of a work by a Dutc...

Isabella the Catholic of Castile,wife of Ferdinand     
of Aragon.Around 1500,copy after Juan de Flandes.      
Wood,43,4 x 34,2 cm                                    
Inv. 10010174

Isabella the Catholic of Castile,wife of Ferdinand of Aragon.Around 1500,co...

King Felipe (Philip)II (1527-1598),son of Emperor      
Karl V and King of Spain.The King wears the armour     
and chainmail of the light cavalry,a fieldmarshal's    
baton in his right hand.Painted 1566,after Antonis Mor.
Canvas,200 x 104 cm     Inv.3995

King Felipe (Philip)II (1527-1598),son of Emperor Karl V and King of Spain...

Bronze bust of King Felipe (Philip) II.(1527-1598)     
Painted around 1570. Bronze, H:72 cm                   
E 266

Bronze bust of King Felipe (Philip) II.(1527-1598) Painted around 1570. Bro...

Emperor Karl V and dog ("Ulmer Dogge"),1533            
Canvas, 192 x 111 cm                                   
Seisenegger's very similar portrait (26-01-04/7)       
is probably a later version of the Titian painting.

Emperor Karl V and dog ("Ulmer Dogge"),1533 Canvas, 192 x 111 cm...

Emperor Karl V,bust,around 1530-35                     
Alabaster with remains of colour,garnet cabuchons      
on the sleeves, H:14,2 cm

Emperor Karl V,bust,around 1530-35 Alabaster with remains o...

Emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519) and his grandson      
Emperor Karl V (1500-1556).The date 1529 refers to     
the tenth anniversary of Maximilian's death and the    
beginning of the reign of Karl V.                      
Alabaster,remains of colour, 8,3 x 11 cm,Inv.4405

Emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519) and his grandson Emperor Karl V (1500-155...

Bust of Emperor Karl V as a young man,after 1520.      
Inscription:"Karl V,by the grace of god elected        
German Emperor."                                       
Limestone (Jurakalk), 15,1 x 12,2  cm                  

Bust of Emperor Karl V as a young man,after 1520. Inscription:"Karl V,by t...

Emperor Karl V and his wife Isabella of Portugal.The   
wedding took place in 1526.The alabaster relief shows  
the arms of Habsburg and Portugal.The 26-year-old      
Emperor puts his arm around the shoulder of his wife.  
Alabaster,gilded wooden frame,53 x 56,5 cm.Inv.0432

Emperor Karl V and his wife Isabella of Portugal.The wedding took place in 15...

Medallion with bust of Emperor Karl V,around 1555.     
The Emperor is shown in the armour of the Battle       
of Muehlberg 1547,the Emperors victory over the        
Protestant Princes under Johann Friedrich of Saxony.   
Bronze,68 x 59 cm             Inv.6028

Medallion with bust of Emperor Karl V,around 1555. The Emperor is shown in...

Emperor Karl V in the armour of the Battle of Muehlberg
(1547)against the Protestant Princes under Johann      
Friedrich of Saxony.Bust:1533, with Pompeo Leone.      
Bronze, H:112 cm                                       
Inv. E 271

Emperor Karl V in the armour of the Battle of Muehlberg (1547)against the Protes...

Light armour (cuirass) for Philipp II, son of Emperor  
Karl V.Amour by Desiderius Helmschmid,head,silver,     
painted,by Pompeo Leoni.The head was originally fixed  
to a silver armour,now lost.                           
For the head by Leoni see 26-01-02/50-52.

Light armour (cuirass) for Philipp II, son of Emperor Karl V.Amour by Desideri...