Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Gra...
Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Gra...
Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Gra...
Bride and bridegroom. Engagement brooch of Maximilian I and Mar...
Embossed pageant shield with Medusa head (1541),a gift to Emperor Karl V(1500-1...
One of eight scenes from the wars of Emperor Charles V. The battle of Pavia, 152...
One of eight scenes from the wars of Emperor Charles V. His wars against the Tur...
Armour of Henri II,a parade piece never to be worn in battle.The breastplate...
Armour of Henri II. Detail left side of the breastplate:the head of...
Francois I,King of France. Medallion,bronze,obvers...
The three Magi. Bronze with brown patin...
Medallion of Alfonso V Aragon,King of Naples and Sicily (1394-1458).Inscripti...