David praying. Illustration to Diurnale s(ecundu)m chorum ecclesie Basilien(sis)...
The Adoration of the Magi. Illustration to Diurnale s(ecundu)m chorum ecclesie B...
The Adoration of the Magi. Illustration to Andachtsbuch mit Sonntagsevangelien -...
Le jeune Fleuve - Young river god,Pisa,ca.1458...
The mystic marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, 1466. 94 x 57 cm
Adoration of the Magi, 1499. Wood, 67 x 179 cm
The judgement of Solomon, second half of the 16th. 64 x 49 cm
Madonna and child enthroned, with Saint Francis Assisi and Saint Clara, in the f...
Predella of an altarpiece: The beheading of Saint John Baptist and the feast of...
Adoration des rois - Adoration of the Kings. Mural, 222 x 165 cm Peint pour l'...
The legend of Saint Ursula: Saint Ursula and the King.
Spring ("Amor"),one of four paintings showing the Ages of Man....