1 subcategory


606 photos
Francois I, King of France (1494-1547). Detail of golden embroidered clothing. For overall view please see 26-01-02/33.
Oil on wood (1535)
96 x 74 cm
Inv. 3256

Francois I, King of France (1494-1547). Detail of golden embroidered clothing. F...

La Vierge du chancellier Rollin - The Virgin of  
Chancellor Rolin.
Nicolas Rolin is praying, in the background a cityscape 
with a river,ca.1434
Oil and tempera on wood
66 x 62 cm, INV 1271

La Vierge du chancellier Rollin - The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin. Nicolas Ro...

Antoine Duprat (1463-1535), cardinal and chancellor    
of king Francois I.of France. Louise de Savoie,        
mother of Francois I, made Duprat her son's tutor.     
Terracotta, H: 60,4 cm                                 
RF 2658

Antoine Duprat (1463-1535), cardinal and chancellor of king Francois I.of Fr...

The three graces. From the church Eglise des Celestins.
1561. Monument for the heart of King Henri II.                                                 Marble, 150 cm                                         
MR 1591 A                                              
Pilon with Dominique Florentin (known 1540-1565)

The three graces. From the church Eglise des Celestins. 1561. Monument for the...

David and Bathseba, 1528                               
Limewood, 54 x 39 cm                                   
Inv. 897
#400201 2

David and Bathseba, 1528 Limewood, 54 x 39 cm...

Massacre of the Innocents.                             
Oil on oakwood (1565).                                 
116 x 160 cm                                           
Cat. 53                                                
Inv. 1024

Massacre of the Innocents. Oil on oakwood (1565)....

Massacre of the Innocents.                             
Detail of 40-02-03/46                                  
Oil on oakwood (1565)                                  
Overall size 116 x 160 cm                              
Cat. 53, Inv. 1024

Massacre of the Innocents. Detail of 40-02-03/46...

The Suicide of Saul in the Battle of                   
Mount Gilboa against the Philistines.                  
Oil on oakwood (1562)                                  
Size 33.5 x 55 cm                                      
Cat. 47, Inv. 1011

The Suicide of Saul in the Battle of Mount Gilboa against the...

The Peasants' Wedding.                                 
Oil on oakwood (1568)                                  
Size 114 x 164 cm                                      
Cat. 55, Inv. 1027

The Peasants' Wedding. Oil on oakwood (1568)...

The Adoration of the Magi,center panel of the triptych.
Side panels:Saints Peter and Ines accompanying the     
donors.Around 1510                                     
Wood,central panel:138 x 72 cm.wings 138 x 34 cm       

The Adoration of the Magi,center panel of the triptych. Side panels:Saints Peter...

Empress Maria of Austria (1528-1603), daughter of Emperor Karl V,  
wife of her cousin Maximilian II.She bore her husband fifteen children, among them Emperors Rudolf II and Matthias. 
Companion piece to 26-04-03/35,              
Canvas,181 x 90 cm 

Empress Maria of Austria (1528-1603), daughter of Emperor Karl V, wife of her...

Matthaeus Schwarz (1487-1574),banker,partner           
of the Fugger banking family of Augsburg,financiers    
of Emperor Karl V. Painted Feb.20,1526.                
Canvas,41 x 33 cm

Matthaeus Schwarz (1487-1574),banker,partner of the Fugger banking fa...