1 subcategory


606 photos
Ceremonial mace, part of the Farnese Armour, a present 
of King Philip II of Spain to Alessandro Farnese       
(1545-1592), famous general and governor of the        
Netherlands. See 17-01-02/1-28.    1578                
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Ceremonial mace, part of the Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip II of Spa...

Morion, part of the Farnese Armour, a present of King  
Philip II of Spain to Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592),  
famous general and governor of the Netherlands. 1578.  
See 17-01-02/1-28.                                     
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Morion, part of the Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip II of Spain to Al...

Detail of morion 17-01-02/18, battlescene with a       
Roman knight on horseback; part of the Farnese Armour, 
a present of King Philip II of Spain to Alessandro     
Farnese, famous general and governor of the Netherlands
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Detail of morion 17-01-02/18, battlescene with a Roman knight on horsebac...

Ceremonial shield, oval, with welcoming scene in       
center, surrounded by four images of the goddess       
Diana of Ephesos. Part of the Farnese Armour, a present
of King Philip II of Spain to Alessandro Farnese. 1578.
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Ceremonial shield, oval, with welcoming scene in center, surrounded by fo...

Center of ceremonial shield 17-01-02/19, a welcoming   
scene. Part of the Farnese Armour, a present of King   
Philip II of Spain to Alessandro Farnese, famous       
general and governor of the Netherlands (1545-1592).   
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Center of ceremonial shield 17-01-02/19, a welcoming scene. Part of the Farne...

Round shield with battlescene, knight on horseback,    
walled city under siege. Part of the Farnese Armour,   
a present to Alessandro Farnese, famous general and    
governor of the Netherlands. See 17-01-02/1-28. 1578.  
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Round shield with battlescene, knight on horseback, walled city under siege....

Center of round shield 17-01-02/21, with battlescene,  
knight on horseback, walled city under siege. Part of  
Farnese Armour, a present to Alessandro Farnese, famous
general and governor of the Netherlands (1545-1592).   
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Center of round shield 17-01-02/21, with battlescene, knight on horseback, wal...

Saddle and horse's armour (chanfron), part of the      
Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip II of Spain   
to Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592), famous general      
and governor of the Netherlands. See 17-01-02/1-28.    
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Saddle and horse's armour (chanfron), part of the Farnese Armour, a presen...

Detail of saddle 17-01-02/23, showing Heracles killing 
the Centaur. Part of Farnese Armour, a present to      
Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592), famous general and     
governor of the Netherlands. 1578. See 17-01-02/1-28.  
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Detail of saddle 17-01-02/23, showing Heracles killing the Centaur. Part of Far...

Detail of saddle 17-01-02/23, Heracles slaying the     
Hydra of Lerna. Part of Farnese Armour, a present to   
Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592), famous general and     
governor of the Netherlands. See 17-01-02/1-28.  1578. 
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Detail of saddle 17-01-02/23, Heracles slaying the Hydra of Lerna. Part of...

Detail of saddle 17-01-02/23, two satyrs. Part of the  
Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip II of Spain to
Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592), famous general and     
governor of the Netherlands. 1578. See 17-01-02/1-28.  
Milan workshop, bluesteel, silver and gold, Inv. A 1132

Detail of saddle 17-01-02/23, two satyrs. Part of the Farnese Armour, a presen...

Horse's armour (chanfron), steel-tipped mascaron.      
Part of Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip II    
of Spain to Alessandro Farnese, famous general and     
governor of the Netherlands. 1578. See 17-01-02/1-28.  
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Horse's armour (chanfron), steel-tipped mascaron. Part of Farnese Armour,...