38 photos
Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a      
prison term by an Allied Court for the family's        
involvement in the Nazi war-effort. After his release, 
rebuilding began.The empty shell of the dismantled     
Borbeck Works,Essen,Federal Republic of Germany.
#552001 7A

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a prison term by an Allied...

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a      
prison term by an Allied Court for the family's        
involvement in the Nazi war-effort. After his release, 
rebuilding began.The empty shell of the dismantled     
Borbeck Works,Essen,Federal Republic of Germany.

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a prison term by an Allied...

Krupp industries: Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a prison term by an Allied Court for the family's involvement in the Nazi war effort. After his release, rebuilding began. The empty shell of the dismantled Borbeck Works in Essen.

Krupp industries: Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a prison term by an Allied Cour...

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a      
prison term by an Allied Court for the family's part   
in the Nazi war-effort. After his release,rebuilding   
began.The empty shell of the Borbeck steel plant,      
stripped of machinery which was shipped to the USSR.

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a prison term by an Allied...

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a      
prison term by an Allied Court for the family's        
involvement in the Nazi war-effort. After his release, 
rebuilding began.The empty shell of the dismantled     
Borbeck Works,Essen,Federal Republic of Germany.

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a prison term by an Allied...

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a      
prison term by an Allied Court for the family's part   
in the Nazi war-effort. After his release,rebuilding   
began.The Krupp steel-and mining complex in            

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a prison term by an Allied...

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a      
prison term by an Allied Court for the family's        
involvement in the Nazi war-effort. After his release, 
rebuilding began.The Krupp truck-assembly plant.       
#552004 6

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a prison term by an Allied...

The re-emergence of Krupp:the Krupp fortune was not    
only founded on cannons,but on seemless railroad       
wheels.Wheels and axles are checked at a Krupp-factory,
#552005 5A

The re-emergence of Krupp:the Krupp fortune was not only founded on cannons,...

The re-emergence of Krupp:the Krupp fortune was not    
only founded on cannons,but on seemless railroad       
wheels.Wheels and axles are checked at a Krupp-factory,

The re-emergence of Krupp:the Krupp fortune was not only founded on cannons,...

Krupp factories, Essen

Krupp factories, Essen

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a      
prison term by an Allied Court for the family's        
involvement in the Nazi war-effort. After his release, 
rebuilding began.The Krupp truck-assembly plant.       

Krupp industries:Alfried Krupp was sentenced to a prison term by an Allied...

The re-emergence of Krupp:the Krupp fortune was not    
only founded on cannons,but on seemless railroad       
wheels.Wheels and axles are checked at a Krupp-factory,
#552007 3A

The re-emergence of Krupp:the Krupp fortune was not only founded on cannons,...