63 photos
Summit Conference Geneva,1955:Participants:USA:Dwight  
D.Eisenhower,John Foster Dulles;Soviet Union:Nikolai   
Bulganin,Nikita Khrushtchev;France:Edgar Faure,Antoine 
Pinay;GB:Anthony Eden,Harold Macmillan.                
First meeting of the Four Power Conference.
#550412 5A

Summit Conference Geneva,1955:Participants:USA:Dwight D.Eisenhower,John Foster...

Summit Conference,Geneva,1955.                         
Nikita S.Khrushchev,First Secretary of the Central     
Committee of the Soviet Communist Party, shares a joke 
with Soviet Minister of Defense Marshall Zhukov.

Summit Conference,Geneva,1955. Nikita S.Khrushchev,Firs...

Summit Conference Geneva,1955:Participants:USA:Dwight  
D.Eisenhower,John Foster Dulles;Soviet Union:Nikolai   
Bulganin,Nikita Khrushchev;France:Edgar Faure,Antoine  
Pinay;GB:Anthony Eden,Harold Macmillan.                
President Dwight D.Eisenhower.

Summit Conference Geneva,1955:Participants:USA:Dwight D.Eisenhower,John Foster...

Summit Conference,Geneva 1955:Nikita Khrushchev,       
First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party,         
greets the curious crowds.
#550420 9

Summit Conference,Geneva 1955:Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the S...

Egyptian President Gamal Abd el Nasser on an 18-day    
state-visit in Moscow,May 1958.During a dinner given   
by President Nasser to the Soviet leaders,Nasser and   
Khrushtchev toast each other;Nasser congratulates      
Khrushchev on the third successful Sputnik launch.

Egyptian President Gamal Abd el Nasser on an 18-day state-visit in Moscow,Ma...

Egyptian President Gamal Abd el Nasser on an 18-day    
state-visit in Moscow,May 1958.During a dinner given   
by President Nasser to the Soviet leaders,Khrushchev   
tastes an Egyptian dish,while Nasser watches his       

Egyptian President Gamal Abd el Nasser on an 18-day state-visit in Moscow,Ma...

Egyptian President Gamal Abd el Nasser on an 18-day
state-visit in Moscow,May 1958. During a reception at
the Egyptian Embassy Khrushchev, Marshall Kliment Jefremowitsh Woroshilov and Anastas Mikoyan enjoy a glass of champaigne.

Egyptian President Gamal Abd el Nasser on an 18-day state-visit in Moscow,May 1...

Egyptian President Gamal Abd el Nasser on an 18-day    
state-visit in Moscow,May 1958.During a dinner given   
by President Nasser to the Soviet leaders,Khrushchev   
and Nasser toast each other and Sputnik.               
#580710 7

Egyptian President Gamal Abd el Nasser on an 18-day state-visit in Moscow,Ma...

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: Khrushtchev and De Gaulle flanked by the Garde Republicaine.

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: Khrushtchev and De Gaulle flanked by the Ga...

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: Khrushchev        
arrives at Paris airport.                              

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: Khrushchev arrives at Paris airport...

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960:While De Gaulle,
Eisenhower and Macmillan waited in Paris,Nikita
Khrushchev refused to attend because of the U-2 spy
plane incident and went to the village of Moeurs
instead. Portrait of Nikita Khrushchev,Paris,1960

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960:While De Gaulle, Eisenhower and Macmillan wa...

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: Khrushchev        
arrives at Paris airport.                              
#601103 3

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: Khrushchev arrives at Paris airport...