18 photos
View towards Tel Mardikh (across watermelon fields).
Background: central acropolis, ring of ramparts of Ebla
The tell of Ebla is about 70 km south of Aleppo.
#080202 5

View towards Tel Mardikh (across watermelon fields). Background: central acropol...

Standing stone and slab altar                          
in the Great Temple D on the                           
Acropolis of Ebla, Syria.                              
(Middle Bronze Age)
#080202 6

Standing stone and slab altar in the Great Temple D on...

Inner area of Tel Mardikh, Syria
The high ground in the distance
is the Acropolis of Ebla.
#080202 7

Inner area of Tel Mardikh, Syria The high ground in the distance is the Acropoli...

Southwest gate of Ebla. Large orthostats
flanking first entrance to the acropolis
(Middle Bronze Age)
#080202 8

Southwest gate of Ebla. Large orthostats flanking first entrance to the acropoli...

Corridor of administrative buildings                   
in Ebla. Excavations of the Area Q,                    
probably the palace of the Middle Bronze Age
#080202 9

Corridor of administrative buildings in Ebla. Excavations of...

Southwest gate of Ebla.                                
Inner narrow passages.                                 
Decorative use of black and                            
white slabs (Middle Bronze Age).

Southwest gate of Ebla. Inner narrow passages....

View from the Guard House towards                      
the Acropolis (Bronze Age) of Ebla, Syria

View from the Guard House towards the Acropolis (Bronze Ag...

Staircase over the Palace Gate of Ebla                 
built at a later stage (Late Bronze Age)

Staircase over the Palace Gate of Ebla built at a later stage (...

Crumbling brick walls and large broken storage jars.   
Area Q at Ebla, Syria,                                 
probably the palace of the Middle Bronze Age

Crumbling brick walls and large broken storage jars. Area Q at Ebla, Syria,...

Small connecting room. Plastered and walled-up         
doorway decorated with a red line.                     
Excavations of Area Q, Ebla, Syria,                    
probably the palace of the Middle Bronze Age.

Small connecting room. Plastered and walled-up doorway decorated with a...

Small connecting room. Plastered and walled-up         
doorway decorated with a red line.                     
Excavations of Area Q, Ebla, Syria                     
probably the palace of the Middle Bronze Age.

Small connecting room. Plastered and walled-up doorway decorated with a...

Staircase to underground tombs,                      
with arched opening and rough stone fill.              
Excavations of Area Q, Ebla, Syria.                    
Probably the palace of the Middle Bronze Age

Staircase to underground tombs, with arched opening and r...