#030304 1
Cult complex "Soborul zeitelor" of Poduri (Assembly of Goddesses). 21 clay idols...
#030304 2
Sitting male clay figurine. Red-yellowish paint. From the Middle Neolithic cir...
#030304 3
Human depiction in the form of a lid handle. Elongated neck with a proportionall...
#030304 4
Head of a male figure. Clay; settlement tumulus; Late Neolithic (Karanovo III-I...
#030304 5
Head of a male figure. Clay; settlement tumulus; Late Chalcolithic Period (Kara...
#030304 6
Clay object (weight) with anthropomorphic depiction. Early Neolithic (Kremenik-...
#030304 7
Clay object (weight) with anthropomorphic depiction. Early Neolithic (Kremenik-...
#030304 8
Human figure made of marble. Standing female body with crossed arms. Settlement...
#030304 9
Head of a human figurine - idol. Settlement tumulus; Early Neolithic (Karanovo I...
Anthropomorphic figurine, clay hermaphrodite showing male and female genitals (b...
Sitting female clay figure. The head is missing, arms crossed in front of her br...
Clay female figurine sitting on a cushion. The lower part of the body appears r...