#030303 1
Menhir Filitosa III in an alignment in the Filitosa prehistoric settlement.
Bone pendant decoration with the engraved drawing of a wolverine, Late Magdaleni...
Painted cramic vase, Bronze Age, 1500 BCE.Tripod-footed pot with chequer-board d...
The Mold gold cape, Bronze Age, c1900-c1600 BC. The cape is one of the finest ex...
Beaker burial from Shrewton; 2000 BCE. A 'Beaker' period burial from an Early B...
Female statue, Bronze Age.
Bird-like figure on a three-wheel wagon drawn by birds. From Dupljaja, location...
Bronze fibula from the necropolis of Orainville (Aisne, France). 3rd century BCE...
"Violin" figure, Cycladic from the island of Amorgos in the Aegean, around 2.800...
Marble figurine of a woman, Cycladic, ca. 2700-2400 BCE. A few male figures and...
Terracotta model of people at a basin, Cyprus, Middle Bronze Age, 2000-1600 MCE.
Decorated bronze mirror, Iron Age, 50 BC-50 AD. The pattern on the back can be i...