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5 photos
Stele 9 from Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala. A male figure,    
perhaps dancing, with belt, necklace and earplugs.     
The volute emanating from the mouth symbolizes         
song. Basalt (900-400 BCE), 154 x 22 cm.               
Pyramid C-III-6. Inv. 2359

Stele 9 from Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala. A male figure, perhaps dancing, with be...

"Hacha", a flat, highly polished sculpture associated  
with the Maya ballgame. This hacha shows a bird of prey
on a skull. Hachas may have been markers, or trophies, 
or models for the players' leather belts (600-900 CE). 
Volcanic stone. Height 29.5 cm, from Guatemala.

"Hacha", a flat, highly polished sculpture associated with the Maya ballgame....

Censer, the vessel for the fragrant resin hidden behind
the large headgear of the male figure. The costume is  
that of a priest or high-ranking personality: ear- and 
noseplugs, armrings and necklace. Clay and paint       
(250-600 CE). Height 35 cm. Inv. 4371

Censer, the vessel for the fragrant resin hidden behind the large headgear of th...

Censer, in the form of a corpulent dignitary; from     
tomb 22, Uaxactun, El Peten, Guatemala. The incense    
issued from eyes, nose and mouth. Clay (250-600 CE)    
Height 22.9 cm                                         
Inv. 214 a,b

Censer, in the form of a corpulent dignitary; from tomb 22, Uaxactun, El Pe...

Mosaic mask, a funerary gift from tomb 160, Tikal, El  
Peten, Guatemala. It was laid over the face of the dead
dignitary to adorn him during his voyage through the   
Underworld. Jadeite, diopsite, shells, conch-shells,   
mother of pearl (6th). Height 34.5 cm. Inv. 11082

Mosaic mask, a funerary gift from tomb 160, Tikal, El Peten, Guatemala. It was...