When a group of "savages" with hairy coats interrupted a court wedding,their co...
Homage du comte de Clermont en Beauvaisis,a 17th ct. copy after an original b...
Grandes Chroniques de France,1471.A meeting outside Paris:King Wenceslas (in...
Outside the Porte St.Denis,King Charles VI of France greets his Queen Isabeau...
Jean Marot, La Conquete de Genes (1507).King Louis XII leaves Alexandria, which...
Jean Marot, La Conquete de Genes (1507).King Louis XII enters Genova under a ca...
The effigy of Charles VI is displayed during the King's funeral in 1422.Mourners...
Le sacre,couronnement,triomphe et entree de la reine Madame Claude de France.On...
Frontispice of the "Description des Pays"by Gilles Le Bouvier, illuminated...
Arrival of Pope Urban II in France, for the Council of Clermont,1095....
Parents paying money to the abbot for the entry of their daughter into the...
Wedding of the Virgin. From Les Grandes Heures de Jean de Berry.Initial D...