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23 photos
Saint Mary from the Deesis in the north gallery        
of Hagia Sophia. Detail of 15-03-09/8                  
The full mosaic shows: Saint Mary, Christ, 
Saint John Baptist.

Saint Mary from the Deesis in the north gallery of Hagia Sophia. Detail...

Saint Mary and child from the apse of Hagia Sophia     
(shortly after 834)

Saint Mary and child from the apse of Hagia Sophia (shortly after 834)

Madonna and child, flanked by Empress Irene and        
Emperor John II Komnenos (1118-1134). The Emperor      
holds the money-bag with the church's endowment, the   
Empress holds the deed. Votive mosaic from the south   
gallery of Hagia Sophia.

Madonna and child, flanked by Empress Irene and Emperor John II Komnenos...

Madonna and child, from the votive mosaic from the     
south gallery. Detail of 15-03-09/13                   
Full mosaic shows Madonna flanked by Emperor           
John II Komnenos and Empress Irene.

Madonna and child, from the votive mosaic from the south gallery. Detail of...

Emperor John II Komnenos (1118-1143), from the votive  
mosaic in the south gallery of Hagia Sophia.           
Detail of 15-03-09/13.                                 
Full mosaic shows the Madonna flanked by John Komnenus 
and his wife the Empress Irene.

Emperor John II Komnenos (1118-1143), from the votive mosaic in the south gall...

Empress Irene, holding the deed for the church's       
endowment, from the votive mosaic in the south         
gallery of Hagia Sophia. Detail of 15-03-09/13.        
Full mosaic shows the Madonna flanked by Emperor       
John II. Komnenos and his wife Irene.

Empress Irene, holding the deed for the church's endowment, from the vot...

Alexios, son of Joannes II Komnenos and Empress Irene. 
Mosaic in the south gallery of Hagia Sophia, a later   
addition to his parents votive mosaic.

Alexios, son of Joannes II Komnenos and Empress Irene. Mosaic in the south gall...

Christ flanked by Emperor Constantine IX (1042-1054)   
and his wife the Empress Zoe. Since Zoe was previously 
married to Romanos III and Michael IV, the Emperor's   
face was changed with every new consort. Early 11th    
Votive mosaic, south gallery, Hagia Sophia.

Christ flanked by Emperor Constantine IX (1042-1054) and his wife the Empress...

Christ, from the votive mosaic in the south gallery    
of Hagia Sophia. Full mosaic shows Emperor Constantine 
(1042-1054) and his wife Zoe (1028-1050) right and left
Detail of 15-03-09/18

Christ, from the votive mosaic in the south gallery of Hagia Sophia. Full mo...

Emperor John II Comnenus (1087-1143),         
holding the money-bag with the church's endowment.     
From the votive mosaic in the south gallery of         
Hagia Sophia. Detail of 15-03-09/18                    
For Constantine IX's crown see 30-01-04/3,4

Emperor John II Comnenus (1087-1143), holding the money-bag with the c...

Empress Zoe (1028-1050) holding the deed for the       
endowment of the church. Full Mosaic shows Christ      
flanked by Zoe and Emperor Constantine IX Monomachos.  
Detail of 15-03-09/18

Empress Zoe (1028-1050) holding the deed for the endowment of the church....