
Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Imperial Roman Period, Ancient Middle East.

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Ancient Middle East


Imperial Roman Period


7,469 photos
Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE).                   
East gallery fronted by a colonnade in                 
the thickness of the outer wall (8 m).                 
The ruler of Tiryns ordered Heracles                   
to perform the twelve labours.
#010103 8

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE). East gallery fronted by...

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE).                   
Staircase toward the south gallery.                    
The ruler of Tiryns ordered Heracles                   
to perform the twelve labours.
#010103 9

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE). Staircase toward the sou...

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE).                   
Right gatepost of the outer gateway                    
with boltholes (15 cm) for crossbar.                   
The ruler of Tiryns ordered Heracles                   
to perform the twelve labours.

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE). Right gatepost of the ou...

Wall and Lion Gate. Citadel of Mycenae                 
(1350-1330 BCE).                                       
Wall and Lion Gate werde discovered                    
in 1876-1877 by Heinrich Schliemann.

Wall and Lion Gate. Citadel of Mycenae (1350-1330 BCE)....

Wall and Lion Gate. Citadel of Mycenae                 
(1350-1330 BCE).                                       
Wall and Lion Gate were discovered                     
in 1876-1877 by Heinrich Schliemann.

Wall and Lion Gate. Citadel of Mycenae (1350-1330 BCE)....

The Lion Gate of the Citadel of Mycenae                
(1350-1330 BCE).                                       
The Lion Gate was discovered in                        
1876-1877 by Heinrich Schliemann.

The Lion Gate of the Citadel of Mycenae (1350-1330 BCE)....

The Lion Gate of the Citadel of Mycenae,               
lintel and relief with two lionesses rampant           
(1350-1330 BCE).                                       
Wall and Lion Gate were discovered by                  
Heinrich Schliemann in 1876-1877.

The Lion Gate of the Citadel of Mycenae, lintel and relief with t...

Citadel of Mycenae, the Lion Gate. Lintel              
and relief, top, with two lionesses rampant            
(1350-1330 BCE).                                       
The Lion Gate was discovered by                        
Heinrich Schliemann in 1876-1877.

Citadel of Mycenae, the Lion Gate. Lintel and relief, top, with tw...

Citadel of Mycenae, postern gate                       
(1350-1330 BCE).

Citadel of Mycenae, postern gate (1350-1330 BCE).

Citadel of Mycenae (1350-1330 BCE), postern gate.      
Close-up of 01-01-03/16.

Citadel of Mycenae (1350-1330 BCE), postern gate. Close-up of 01-01-03/16.

Citadel of Mycenae, wall near the postern              
gate built of irregular limestone blocks               
(1350-1330 BCE).

Citadel of Mycenae, wall near the postern gate built of irregular...

Citadel of Mycenae, postern gate of the wall           
(1350-1330 BCE).

Citadel of Mycenae, postern gate of the wall (1350-1330 BCE).