Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Imperial Roman Period, Ancient Middle East.
Head of Amenophis III wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, 18th d...
Rear view of the head of Amenophis III, wearing the double crown of Upper and Lo...
Wig of human hair from Thebes,18th dynasty,1550-1300. The wig was found in its...
Wig of human hair from Thebes,18th dynasty,1550-1300. The wig was found in its...
A garden pool; fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nebamun,18th dynasty...
A garden pool; fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nebamun,18th dynasty...
A garden pool; fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nebamun,18th dynasty...
Fowling in the marshes; fragment of a wallpainting from the tomb of Nebamun,The...
Counting the geese: mural from the tomb of Nebamun,from Thebes, 18th dynasty, a...
Fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nabamun, from Thebes, 18th dynasty...
Fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nabamun, from Thebes, 18th dynasty...
Fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nabamun, from Thebes, 18th dynasty...