
Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Imperial Roman Period, Ancient Middle East.

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Ancient Middle East


Imperial Roman Period


7,469 photos
Stele of King Ashurbanipal, from Borsippa,southern Iraq; Neo-Assyrian, 668-655 BCE. Wearing the Assyrian king's headdress, Ahurbanipal is shown in the pose of much
earlier kings,lifting up a large basket of earth for the ritual molding of the first brick for a new temple. The cuneiform inscription records the restoration of Rzida, temple of Nabu,
god of writing, in Borsippa.      ANE,90865

Stele of King Ashurbanipal, from Borsippa,southern Iraq; Neo-Assyrian, 668-655 B...

Amulet with a figure of Lamashtu, designed to ward off evil,
from Mesopotamia, around 800 BCE. Lamashtu has the head of a lion, the teeth of a donkey, naked breasts and the talons of a bird. She holds snakes in her hands and stands on her sacred animal, the donkey. Lamashtus principal victims were unborn and new-born babies.   ANE 117759

Amulet with a figure of Lamashtu, designed to ward off evil, from Mesopotamia,...

Gold and silver horn-shaped drinking cup from Marash,Syria.
5th BCE. The vessel dates to the time of the Achemenid Empire of the 6th to 4th centuries,created by Cyrus the Great. It stretched from Egypt and the Aegean to Afghanistan and the Indus valley.
ANE 116411

Gold and silver horn-shaped drinking cup from Marash,Syria. 5th BCE. The vessel...

This stele comes from the Tophet in Carthage (today Tunisia)
Such grave markers were set up over burial urns for small children and animals which had been sacrificed to the goddess Tanit and her consort Baal Hammon.Canaanite symbolism: sun,crescent moon and triangle; the goddess below.  ANE 125117

This stele comes from the Tophet in Carthage (today Tunisia) Such grave markers...

Terracotta figure of a tambourine player, Phoenician, from Tharros, Sardinia, 7th-6th century BCE. From a tomb at Tharros, the most important Phoenician trading centre on Sardinia.Phoenician colonies were established on the island
as of the 8th BCE.
ANE, 133133

Terracotta figure of a tambourine player, Phoenician, from Tharros, Sardinia, 7t...

Female figurine found in a tomb under a house.         
A mothergoddess.Around 6.000 BCE                       
From Tell es Sawwan, middle Tigris, near Samarra.      
Alabaster,H:4 cm                                       
DAO 33

Female figurine found in a tomb under a house. A mothergoddess.Around 6...

Zoomorphic vase,terracotta.                            
Marlik civilisation North of the Caspian Sea.          
Terracotta, H: 21,2 cm

Zoomorphic vase,terracotta. Marlik civilisation Nort...

Zoomorphic vase,terracotta.                            
Marlik civilisation North of the Caspian Sea.          
Terracotta, H: 21,2 cm

Zoomorphic vase,terracotta. Marlik civilisation Nort...

Pearl dedicated to the moon god.                       
Neo Sumerian, reign of Ibbi-Sin,king of Ur.            
Around 2.020 BCE                                       
AO 27622

Pearl dedicated to the moon god. Neo Sumerian, reign of I...

"Sit Shamsi", the ceremony of sunrise. Bronze model    
of a high place, dedicated by Inshushinak,King of Elam.
Detail: two naked priests crouch between two altars.   
From Susa. Bronze, 60 x 40 cm                          
Sb 2743

"Sit Shamsi", the ceremony of sunrise. Bronze model of a high place, dedicat...

Cup,Mesopotamian, late Prehistoric period, 3.400 to 3200 BCE.he cup is carved on either side with a figure naked except for a belt and with his hair parted in the centre. The figure holds two bulls around the neck, on which perch large birds. The meaning of this image is unclear:the man may be protecting the animals, or he may represent the struggle between chaotic savagery and divine order.
ANE, 118465

Cup,Mesopotamian, late Prehistoric period, 3.400 to 3200 BCE.he cup is carved on...

Stone cult vessel,from Mesopotamia, 3400-3200 BCE. This
was the time when large cities were developing in southern Mesopotamia. The largest known settlement was Uruk (modern Warka). In its center were monumental temple buildings with sculptures  for ritual use, or, if smaller, left as votive objects. Lines of animals are commonly depicted attacking domesicated animals. This is a standard theme in
Mesopotamic art, a symbolic representation of the struggle between chaotic savagry and divine order.
ANE, 118361

Stone cult vessel,from Mesopotamia, 3400-3200 BCE. This was the time when large...