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6 photos
Elephant strangling a lion. Scene from the 250 sq.meter
mosaic from the peristyle court of Emperor Justinian's 
palace. Originally, the combined mosaics of court and  
audience hall covered and area of 1872 sq.m.           
530-540 CE

Elephant strangling a lion. Scene from the 250 sq.meter mosaic from the peristyl...

Villa in a garden.Scene from the 250 sq.m mosaic from  
the peristyle court of Emperor Justinian's palace.     
Originally, the combined mosaics of courtyard and      
audience hall covered an area of 1872 squ.meters.      
530-540 CE

Villa in a garden.Scene from the 250 sq.m mosaic from the peristyle court of E...

Rider thrown and kicked by his horse. Scene from the   
250 sq.meter mosaic from the peristyle court of        
Emperor Justinian's palace.The central mosaic,         
250 sq.meters, shows hunting scenes, animals fighting, 
country life, andf children at play. 530-540 CE

Rider thrown and kicked by his horse. Scene from the 250 sq.meter mosaic from...

Eagle and serpent, scene from the 250 sq.m.mosaic from 
the peristyle court of Emperor Justinian's palace.     
Mosaics show hunting scenes,animals fighting,country-  
life, agriculture, children at play. Court and audience
hall mosaics combined covered and area of 1872 sq.m.

Eagle and serpent, scene from the 250 sq.m.mosaic from the peristyle court of E...

Hunters,animals,trees, from the 250 sq.-m mosaic       
of the peristyle court of Emperor Justinian's palace.  
Mosaic shows independent scenes from hunting,country-  
life,agriculture,animals fighting,children at play.    
530-540 CE

Hunters,animals,trees, from the 250 sq.-m mosaic of the peristyle court o...

Children with pet bird riding a camel. From the        
mosaics of the peristyle court and adjoining audience  
hall od Emperor Justinian's palace.Originally the      
mosaics covered an area of 1872 sq.meters.             
530-540 CE

Children with pet bird riding a camel. From the mosaics of the peristyle...