Portable altar of Abbott Begon (1087-1107),around 1100. A porphyry slab surround...
Portable altar,alabaster,gilded silver.The frame may have been added duri...
Part of a book cover;Christ in his glory,enthroned and in a mandorla,surrou...
"Arm of Saint George",a silverwork with reliquies of Saint Georges,a monk...
Fragment of a crucifixion with Longinus,bearer of the lance and Stephaton with...
Saint Foy (Fides),wooden core,silver,gilded.Made by the goldsmiths Hugues Le...
Roman bridge near the Abbey of Conques,France.
Abbey and Church of Conques,France.
The Abbey-church Sainte-Foy,Conques,France.
The Abbey-church Sainte-Foy,Conques,France.
The Abbey-church Sainte-Foy,Conques,France. The central cupola.
The medieval town of Conques, France.