Patients and Invalids

Patients, invalids, sick people

66 photos
The visit of the doctor. Fresco; 17th century CE.

The visit of the doctor. Fresco; 17th century CE.

The doctor is of no avail when confronted by Death.

The doctor is of no avail when confronted by Death.

The amputation.
Etching; 1793.

The amputation. Etching; 1793.

An operation at the Military Hospital, Endell Street, London.
Canvas; 1920/21.

An operation at the Military Hospital, Endell Street, London. Canvas; 1920/21.

Amphiaraios, the physician, treats the shoulder of a   
young man. The same young man on a bed, while a snake  
licks his shoulder. Votiv  relief offered by Archinos  
to Amphiaraios,to whom god-like honours were given for 
his oracles and cures.  49 x 54.5 cm    Inv. 3369

Amphiaraios, the physician, treats the shoulder of a young man. The same youn...

Doctor bleeding a patient.                             
Red-figured arybalos (5th BCE),                        
called the Peytel Arybalos.                            
Height 8.5 cm                                          
CA 2138

Doctor bleeding a patient. Red-figured arybalos (5t...

Asklepios and Hygiea before their faithful followers.  
Votive stone relief (end 4th BCE)                      
from Greece.                                           
Ma 755

Asklepios and Hygiea before their faithful followers. Votive stone relief (end...

Women at the Healing Waters.                           
Relief from the pedestal of a monument.                
Saint-Fontaine near Merlebach, France.

Women at the Healing Waters. Relief from the pedestal...

Child lying on a bed.                                  
Lid of a sarcophagus                                   
Cat. 404                                               
Inv. 61 586

Child lying on a bed. Lid of a sarcophagus...

Christ heals the paralytic. Relief                     
(3rd CE) on an early Christian sarcophagus             
from Via della Lungara, Rome.                          
Cat. 40

Christ heals the paralytic. Relief (3rd CE) on an early Chr...

"Sarcophagus of the Trees". Center: orante (praying    
woman), from l. to r.: miracles with the Virga (baton):
the son of the widow of Nain, the sanguinolent         
woman, multiplication of breads, healing of the blind, 
the paralytic. Marble, around 375 CE,Inv.FAN 92.00.498

"Sarcophagus of the Trees". Center: orante (praying woman), from l. to r.: m...

The Centurion whose servant is cured.                  
Detail from a column of the ciborium.                  
Alabaster high-relief, probably Syriac

The Centurion whose servant is cured. Detail from a column of...