Patients and Invalids

Patients, invalids, sick people

65 photos
Ward for irritable patients at San Bonifacio,          
Florence, Italy                                        
Oil on canvas (1865)                                   
65 x 59 cm

Ward for irritable patients at San Bonifacio, Florence, Italy...

Saint Peter's shadow falls upon the sick; they are     
healed. (Acts, 5,12-14). From the lower row of murals  
of the private chapel of the Brancacci family. Legenda 
Aurea. 1425-1428.      See 40-07-08/1-24               
232 x 162 cm

Saint Peter's shadow falls upon the sick; they are healed. (Acts, 5,12-14)....

Saint Peter's shadow falls upon the sick; they are     
healed. Detail of 40-07-08/12, Saint Peter walking     
in Jerusalem. Lower row of the murals of the private   
chapel of the Brancacci family. Legenda Aurea.         
1425-1428. See 40-07-08/1-24

Saint Peter's shadow falls upon the sick; they are healed. Detail of 40-07-...

Saint Peter's shadow heals the sick. Detail of         
40-07-08/13: two cripples. From the lower row of       
murals of the private chapel of the Brancacci          
family. 1425-1427    See 40-07-08/1-24                 
232 x 162 (entire panel)

Saint Peter's shadow heals the sick. Detail of 40-07-08/13: two cripple...

Christ heals the paralytic.                            
Around 1730                                            
Inv. 4100

Christ heals the paralytic. Around 1730...

The Quack Dentist, 1746-1752                           
Oil on canvas, 50 x 52 cm

The Quack Dentist, 1746-1752 Oil on canvas, 50 x 52 c...

A lesson on hysteria by Jean Martin Charcot (1825-93),
pioneer of neurology, at the hospital "la Salpetriere".
The patient is Blanche Wittmann, held by Babinski, who
hypnotized the patients. Sigmund Freud took lessons
with Charcot in 1885-86.       Oil on canvas

A lesson on hysteria by Jean Martin Charcot (1825-93), pioneer of neurology, at...

La mort de Gericault. The death of Theodore Gericault, 
January 26, 1824. At his deathbed his friends colonel  
Bro de Comeres and the painter Joseph Dedreux-Dorcy.   
Canvas, 36 x 46 cm.                                    
M.I. 209

La mort de Gericault. The death of Theodore Gericault, January 26, 1824. At his...

The day of the hospital visit,1889                     

The day of the hospital visit,1889 Canvas

La Malade - The sick patient (Helene Chatenay),1892.   

La Malade - The sick patient (Helene Chatenay),1892. Canvas

Before the operation. Dr. Jules Emile Pean             
explains his new technique of artery-clamping.         
Oil on canvas (1887)                                   
242 x 188 cm                                           
DO 1986-20

Before the operation. Dr. Jules Emile Pean explains his new techniq...

Les aveugles de Jericho - Jesus healing the            
blind of Jericho.                                      
Canvas, 119 x 176 cm                                   
Inv. 7281
#401208 2

Les aveugles de Jericho - Jesus healing the blind of Jericho....