4 photos
Healing of the Leper. From the MS                      
"The Four Gospels" from Mount                          
Athos Monastery, Iberon, Greece                        
(2nd half 12th)

Healing of the Leper. From the MS "The Four Gospels" from...

The prophet Elisa heals the Syrian Captain Naeman      
from leprosy in the waters of the Jordan river.        
Oil on oakwood (1520)                                  
59 x 38 cm                                             
Inv. 1009

The prophet Elisa heals the Syrian Captain Naeman from leprosy in the wate...

Small altar. Center and inner wings: the prophet Elisha
cleanses the Syrian Captain Naeman of leprosy. 1520    
Oakwood, center 59 x 38 cm, wings 59 x 17 cm           
Inv. 1007, 1009

Small altar. Center and inner wings: the prophet Elisha cleanses the Syrian Capt...

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary healing the lepers.         

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary healing the lepers. Canvas