Croatian troops under Banus Jellacic storm a barricade during the siege of Vien...
The Arsenal barracks, Vienna. After the revolution of 1848, the city of Vienna...
Training of cavalry horses in front of the Vienna Arsenal barracks. After the r...
Drill in front of the Vienna Franz-Joseph's barracks. After the revolution of 1...
The "Arcieren-Leibgarde", Emperor Franz Joseph's guard regiment, returnin...
A gala dinner in Schoenbrunn Palace, given by the Emperor to the members o...
The famous and very popular Vienna Regiment "Hoch- und Deutschmeister No. 4...
The "Deutschmeister"-Regiment, the famous and very popular Vienna-based uni...
Spring parade on the Schmelz, Vienna's largest parade ground. Spectators stand...
Uniform coat worn by Archduke Franz Ferdinand on the day of his assassination...
French flag with Phrygian Bonnet and metal Phrygian Bonnet for use on Tree o...
#260304 5
Napoleon (1769-1821) as King of Italy (1805). Oil on canvas