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28 photos
Morion covered with artistic etchings.

Morion covered with artistic etchings.

Horse helmet (Rosstirn).

Horse helmet (Rosstirn).

Crossbows (17th-18th).

Crossbows (17th-18th).

Dagger with hilt-guard.

Dagger with hilt-guard.

Lances and forks.

Lances and forks.



Soldiers on a gun-powder bottle.                       
Embossed metal

Soldiers on a gun-powder bottle. Embossed metal

German wheel-lock pistol (side-view).                  
Ivory inlay on the handle:                             
Turk with turban and lady.

German wheel-lock pistol (side-view). Ivory inlay on the handl...

German wheel-lock pistol (view from above).            
Ivory inlay on the handle:                             
Turk with turban and lady.

German wheel-lock pistol (view from above). Ivory inlay on the handl...

Spring-gun concealed in a wooden box.

Spring-gun concealed in a wooden box.

Italian steel buckler with niello tracery and gilding. 
The buckler was grasped from behind by a riveted       
crossbar. The shield has the Venetian republic's       
Lion of St. Mark at the top of the rim, and a Venetian 
family's coat of arms.

Italian steel buckler with niello tracery and gilding. The buckler was grasped...

Venetian crossbow with gaffle.

Venetian crossbow with gaffle.