
Daisies, Lilies, Roses, Tulips and more.

4 subcategories
Bouquets and Flowerpots




Lotus Flowers




747 photos
Master bedroom: small, inlaid side-table, Tiffany      
vase, Wedgewood tea-cup. Fireplace with tiles in       
Baillie Scott's hawthorne design. House "Waldbuehl"    
in Uzwil, Switzerland, built for Swiss industrialist   
Theodor Buehler in 1903.

Master bedroom: small, inlaid side-table, Tiffany vase, Wedgewood tea-cup....

View of the garden through the study-window.           
House "Waldbuehl" in Uzwil, Switzerland, built         
for Swiss industrialist Theodor Buehler in 1903.

View of the garden through the study-window. House "Waldbuehl" in Uzw...

Ornaments in corners of staircase were suggested       
by Hundertwasser, who is proud that such suggestions   
were taken up by building workers who proceeded to     
create their own designs, like this sunflower.         
"Hundertwasser-House", Kegelgasse, Vienna. 1986

Ornaments in corners of staircase were suggested by Hundertwasser, who is...

Baden near Vienna, park, casino, built 1886,           
and flower-clock.

Baden near Vienna, park, casino, built 1886, and flower-clock.

So-called "Majolicahouse",Vienna.The facade consists   
of a tree with blossoms of Italian majolica tiles.     
#140303 9

So-called "Majolicahouse",Vienna.The facade consists of a tree with blossoms...

Golden Rose, 1331, a traditional present by the pope.  
From Siena, Italy                                      
Height: 60 cm

Golden Rose, 1331, a traditional present by the pope. From Siena, Italy...

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted    
by Pol de Limbourg in 1409 and finished 70 years later 
by Jean Colombe.                                       
April:Castle Dourdan, where the Duke kept some         
of his treasures.Young ladies pluck the first flowers.

Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry were painted by Pol de Limbourg in 14...

Le Livre des simples medecines -  translation into     
French from the 12th century Latin manuscript of       
Matthaeus Platearius,physician in Salerno,Italy.       
Middle 15th,Parchment,29 x 20 cm,221 pages.            
A rose with leaves and roots.Fol.183 verso.

Le Livre des simples medecines - translation into French from the 12th cen...

Le Livre des Simples Medecines, end 15th,early 16th;   
French,parchment,35,5 x 26 cm,164 pages.               
Rose and Sigilla Salomonis;a butterfly.fol.115

Le Livre des Simples Medecines, end 15th,early 16th; French,parchment,35,5 x...

The signs of the Zodiac from the mosaic floor of the   
cathedral of Otranto, southern Italy. May: a woman in  
festive dress holds the blossoming branches of a tree; 
June: a farmer with phrygian cap harvesting corn. The  
cathedral was built in 1088,the mosaic completed in1166
See also 40-11-24/36-46

The signs of the Zodiac from the mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, s...

Joseph of Egypt, in a window from the church           
St. Pierre, Chartres.                                  

Joseph of Egypt, in a window from the church St. Pierre, Chartres....

Damascened breastplate of a garniture of ceremonial    
armour, showing a suit of armour in the center,        
surrounded by crowns and lilies.

Damascened breastplate of a garniture of ceremonial armour, showing a suit o...