
Cedars, pines, fruit trees etc.

891 photos
Shore of Dead Sea near the oasis of En-Gedi,           
dead tree trunks with saline incrustration             
(Dead Sea has 22-30% saline content).

Shore of Dead Sea near the oasis of En-Gedi, dead tree trunks with sa...

The Desert of Bersheva , Israel                        
Near here Abraham dug a well

The Desert of Bersheva , Israel Near here Abraham dug a...

Date palm tree near the Dead Sea.

Date palm tree near the Dead Sea.

Gnarled old tree in Beit El, Israel. It was here that
Jacob, Abraham's grandson, had his dream of a ladder
connecting heaven and earth and therefore called the
place Beit El, House of God (Genesis 28:1)

Gnarled old tree in Beit El, Israel. It was here that Jacob, Abraham's grandson,...

Terebinth tree with the hills of Socoh and Azekah.     
Biblical David killed Goliath under a terebinth tree.  
Socoh was fortified by King Rehoboam.                  
Azekah = Tell Zakariyah

Terebinth tree with the hills of Socoh and Azekah. Biblical David killed Go...

Sycomore tree, like the one from which Zacchaeus the publican  watched Jesus on his way to Jerusalem  (Luke 19,2)

Sycomore tree, like the one from which Zacchaeus the publican watched Jesus on...

Terraces with olive-groves and vineyards               
near Antipatris, en route from Jerusalem               
to Caesarea, Israel.                                   
After his arrest, Saint Paul was taken this way.

Terraces with olive-groves and vineyards near Antipatris, en rout...

Landscape near Bethlehem,Palestinian A.                
Bethlehem means "The House of Bread" -  and indicates       
lively agricultural activity in biblical days   Acacia trees.

Landscape near Bethlehem,Palestinian A. Bethlehem means "The Ho...

Eastern shore of the Lake of Galilee, Israel

Eastern shore of the Lake of Galilee, Israel

Two-story houses in a village on the Golan Heights,    
Israel. Some houses with the "Tree of Life" above      
the entrance, Judeo-Christian symbols.                 
The Golan Heights were densely populated until the     
Jewish revolt against Emperor Gallus, 352 CE

Two-story houses in a village on the Golan Heights, Israel. Some houses with...

Two-story house in a village in the Golan Heights,     
Israel. Entrance with the "tree of life" symbol.       
The Golan Heights were densely populated until the     
Jewish revolt against Emperor Gallus, 352 CE.

Two-story house in a village in the Golan Heights, Israel. Entrance with th...

The oak tree in the Kidron Valley near Jerusalem       
where Solomon was anointed King of Israel.
#080401 4

The oak tree in the Kidron Valley near Jerusalem where Solomon was anoint...