Cedars, pines, fruit trees etc.
Arava, Israel, a wide valley which stretches from the southern end of the Dead...
The 1000 year old oak tree in the sanctuary of Dan, Israel. Jeroboam placed...
Terracotta bowl. Drawing inside: river wi...
Oil lamp with tree-of-life ornament.
Snake on a tree trunk. Terracotta.
Capital shaped like a palm tree. Ivory (about 1200 BCE) f...
Capital shaped like a palm tree, pierced from top to bott...
Stylized palm tree. Carved ivory plaque from Arslan Tash, the an...
Egyptian God Hah holding a palm branch in either hands. From one depends...
A "sacred tree" and a palmette. Carved ornament used as...
Lotus and palmette reliefs. Carved ivory plaques wit...
Palm tree. Carved ivory plaque...