
Cedars, pines, fruit trees etc.

891 photos
A tree emerges from the Flood.                         
Detail from the Noah-Window.                           
Stained glass

A tree emerges from the Flood. Detail from the Noah-Win...

The dove returns with an olive twig in its             
beak as other birds begin to leave the Ark.            
Detail from the Noah-Window.                           
Stained glass

The dove returns with an olive twig in its beak as other birds begi...

The dove returns with an olive twig in its beak.       
Detail of "Noah in his Ark" from                       
the church of Wimpffen im Tale.                        
Close-up of 15-04-01/65.                               
Stained glass window (1270-1280)

The dove returns with an olive twig in its beak. Detail of "Noah in his A...

Noah's hand and the olive twig.                        
Detail of "Noah in his Ark" from                       
from the church of Wimpffen im Tale.                   
Close-up of 15-04-01/65.                               
Stained glass window (1270-1280)

Noah's hand and the olive twig. Detail of "Noah in his A...

Noah's hand and the dove with the olive twig.          
Detail of "Noah and his Ark" from                      
the church of Wimpffen im Tale.                        
Stained glass window (1270-1280)

Noah's hand and the dove with the olive twig. Detail of "Noah and his...

The temptation of Eve.                                 
Limestone lintel, around 1130

The temptation of Eve. Limestone lintel, around...

The Flight to Egypt. 153 painted, square wooden        
panels, each roughly 90 x 90 cm, form the ceiling      
of St. Martin's church in Zillis. 

The Flight to Egypt. 153 painted, square wooden panels, each roughly 90...

Jesse asleep, panel from the wooden ceiling in         
St. Michael, Hildesheim. The ceiling shows the         
Tree of Jesse. Early 13th

Jesse asleep, panel from the wooden ceiling in St. Michael, Hildesheim....

Schloss Tyrol (Castel Tirolo),portal of the 12th       
century chapel. Adam and Eve,tempted by the serpent,   
from the left portal jamb.

Schloss Tyrol (Castel Tirolo),portal of the 12th century chapel. Adam and...

The Tree of Jesse, from the Apse of St. Kunibert,      
Cologne. Around 1230

The Tree of Jesse, from the Apse of St. Kunibert, Cologne. Around 1230

The Fall: Adam, Eve and the snake; a monkey            
climbing the tree. Capital from the church             
San Martin de Fromista, a popular stop-over for        
pilgrims enroute to Santiago de Compostela.            
Around 1066

The Fall: Adam, Eve and the snake; a monkey climbing the tree. Capit...

The temptation of Eve.                                 
Limestone lintel, around 1130

The temptation of Eve. Limestone lintel, around...