The "Centre Pompidou," in rue Beaubourg, Paris, is a Center for Culture and...
Bateaux a quai dans le port de Marseille, 1908. Canvas.
Le petit dejeuner - The Breakfast 1915 Oil and charcoal on canvas; 92 x 73 cm...
Count Genois d'Anneaucourt. Oil on board (1927) 86.5 x 63 cm
Tache rouge - the red spot. Oil on canvas (1914)...
Street with flags. Oil on canvas (1906)...
The moon-woman cuts the circle, 1943. Canvas,101 x 104 cm
The Turkish room, 1963-66. Canvas
Rue du Mont-Cenis, Paris. Oil on canvas
L'Impasse Cottin in Paris. Oil on canvas
Menage de Cochon or Manege Electrique. Oil on canvas
Undine, ou la Danse, 1913 Oil on canvas, 300 x 300...