10 photos
Celebration of the marriage of Louis XIV and Marie Therese of Austria...
Louis XIV meets Philippe IV of Spain.
Grande nature morte aux armures - Large still-life with ar...
Malvern Hall. Canvas
Orpheus and Euridice, around 1625/30 Canvas,146 x 172 cm...
#401116 9
Poliphile assiste au triomphe de Bacchus - Poliphilo watches the triumph of B...
Extase de St.Francois - the ecstasy of Saint Francis. Contemporary copy after...
Le sommeil d'Elie - Elijah asleep. Oil on canvas
Vanitas, allegory of fleeting time with skull and hour-glass. Oil on canv...
Portrait presume d'Olivier Bro. Oil on canvas. Inv. 10.2...