A griffin and panther fighting. From a series of tapestr...
Monkeys playing with a panther. From a series of tapestr...
The Unicorn-Tapestry Tapestry woven in Brusse...
The Noah-Tapestry. Noah building the ark.
The Noah-Tapestry. Noah's sons moving into the Ark.
The Noah-Tapestry. The rains begin.
The Noah-Tapestry. People seeking shelter and drowning.
The Noah-Tapestry. A man carries his dead wife as the flood rises.
The Noah-Tapestry. A rider and his horse drown in the flood.
The Noah-Tapestry. A drowning man holds on to a branch.
The Noah-Tapestry. As the Ark leaves with Noah's family, others drown or...
Stephan (Istvan) Bathory, King of Poland 1576-1586. Canvas