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8 photos
Gatetower of the wall surrounding St. Nicholas         
Monastery, Karelia.

Gatetower of the wall surrounding St. Nicholas Monastery, Karelia.

Watchtower of Bratsk Jail, log construction.

Watchtower of Bratsk Jail, log construction.

House of Peter the Great in Archangelsk

House of Peter the Great in Archangelsk

House of Peter the Great in Archangelsk                
View from the entrance porch

House of Peter the Great in Archangelsk View from the entrance p...

Peter the Great's study in his house in Archangelsk.   
Books, candlesticks, model of a contemporary sailboat.

Peter the Great's study in his house in Archangelsk. Books, candlesticks, mod...

Bedroom and dining room in Peter the Great's House     
in Archangelsk.

Bedroom and dining room in Peter the Great's House in Archangelsk.

Small, private dining room; table laid for a meal      
in Peter the Great's house in Archangelsk.

Small, private dining room; table laid for a meal in Peter the Great's hou...

Large dining room in Tsar Peter the Great's House      
in Archangelsk.

Large dining room in Tsar Peter the Great's House in Archangelsk.