Mutter und Kind II (Mother and Child II), 1912, Oil on Wood, 36,6 x 29,3...
Haus mit trocknender Waesche (House with drying laundry), 1917...
Tote Stadt III (Stadt am blauen Fluss III) [Dead town Iii (Town on...
Blinde Mutter [Blind Mother], 1914, Oil on canvas, 99,5 : 12...
Kauernde Frauen [Squatting Women], 1918, Oil and gouache, possibl...
Kahle Baeume, Haeuser und Bildstock - Leafless trees, houses and a wayside shrin...
Egon Schiele,Selbstbildnis, nackt - Self-portrait, nude. B...
Selbstportrait mit gesenktem Kopf- Egon Schiele, self-portrait with bent head....
"Eremiten" (Hermits). Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt. Oil on canvas (1912), 181...
Kardinal und Nonne - "Liebkosung" - Cardinal and nun, caress....
Self-portrait with Chinese lantern and fruit. Oil and body colour on w...
Bildnis Wally. Oil on wood (1912)...