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11 photos
Christ nailed to the cross; part of an altar.          
Tempera on walnut-wood (around 1440)                   
67 x 47 cm

Christ nailed to the cross; part of an altar. Tempera on walnut-wood (...

Still-life with goblets, flowers and shells, 1612      

Still-life with goblets, flowers and shells, 1612 Inv.2222

Still-life with dead hare, 1682                        

Still-life with dead hare, 1682 Inv.348

Christ taken to Golgatha.                              
Oil on wood (around 1450)                              
Height: 67 cm
#400501 4

Christ taken to Golgatha. Oil on wood (around 1450...

Le Comte de la Forest avec sa femme et sa fille -
Count de la Forest with his wife and daughter,1804.

Le Comte de la Forest avec sa femme et sa fille - Count de la Forest with his w...

Pewter pot with plate of peaches,prunes and nut.       
Around 1728                                            
Canvas,55,5 x 46 cm
#401216 6

Pewter pot with plate of peaches,prunes and nut. Around 1728...

Two dead hares with game-bag,powder flask and orange.  
Canvas,92 x 74 cm
#401216 7

Two dead hares with game-bag,powder flask and orange. 1728....

Dead partridge hung by one leg,bowl with prunes        
and a basket with pears,around 1728                    
Canvas, 92 x 74 cm
#401216 8

Dead partridge hung by one leg,bowl with prunes and a basket with pears,...

Grosses Stilleben mit Kruegen und roter Teedose,       
Still-life with jugs and red tea-caddy,                
Canvas (1922)                                          
Inv. 2395

Grosses Stilleben mit Kruegen und roter Teedose, Still-life with jugs and...

Oberbayrische Berglandschaft bei Brannenburg -         
Bavarian mountain landscape near Brannenburg,          
Canvas (1911)                                          
Inv. 2397

Oberbayrische Berglandschaft bei Brannenburg - Bavarian mountain landsc...

Selbstbildnis vor der Litfass-Saeule                   
(Self-portrait in front of an advertising board).      
Canvas (1926)                                          
Inv. 2631

Selbstbildnis vor der Litfass-Saeule (Self-portrait in front...