The Adoration of the Magi. Canvas (1571)...
The Wedding at Cana (with Veronese's self-portrait). Christ in the centre nex...
The Resurrection. Canvas (1550-1575)...
Saint Rochus distributing alms to the plague-ridden. According to legend, Sai...
The poet Homer, with a lyra da gamba, an instrument used to accom...
Louis XV, as Dauphin, wearing the Order of the Saint Esprit, also called "the Co...
The poet Abbe Pietro Metastasio (1698-1782). As court poet to Emperor...
Earth - one of a series of the Four Elements. Paper (1744)...
Fire - one of a series of the Four Elements. Paper (1744)...
Air - one of a series of the Four Elements. Paper (1744)...
Water - one of a series of the Four Elements. Paper (1744)...
#400802 8
Jacob and Rachel. Canvas (1520-1525) 146.5 x 250.5 cm Inv. 192