Row of bases of columns in the Heraion, sancturay of the goddess...
Drums of columns in the Heraion, sanctuary of goddess Her...
The Heraion (3rd BCE), sanctuary of the goddess...
Solitary column in the Heraion, sanctuary of the goddess...
Theatre of the Upper City of Pergamon, altered during Roman tim...
Theatre of the Upper City of Pergamon, altered during Roman tim...
Temple of Dionysos, renovated by Emperor Car...
Corinthian capital (of a column) (3rd BCE). Pergamon, Tur...
Corinthian capitals (of columns) (3rd BCE). Pergamon, Tur...
Foundations of the Great Altar of Zeus (Pergamon altar, now Berlin)...
The outer wall of the temenos (temple site) of Hera Basileia. 3rd BCE,Pergam...
The Temenos (temple site) of Hera Basileia and the stairs leading u...