1,981 photos
Kouros-statue, around 540 BCE.                         
From the Asklepeion of Paros.                          
Marble from Paros                                      
MA 3101
#030501 7

Kouros-statue, around 540 BCE. From the Asklepeion of P...

Kouros-statue, around 540 BCE.                         
From the Asklepeion of Paros.                          
Marble from Paros                                      
MA 3101
#030501 8

Kouros-statue, around 540 BCE. From the Asklepeion of P...

Victorious athlete offering a libation, around 470 BCE.
Bronze. Paros-style?
#030501 9

Victorious athlete offering a libation, around 470 BCE. Bronze. Paros-style?

Red-figured crater:King Cadmos,an amphora in one hand, 
throws stones at the dragon who has killed his com-    
panions;three female figures,perhaps the nymphs of the 
well,watch the combat.In the upper register Hermes,Pan 
and a satyr.Obverse side,H:57 cm N 3157 See 10-03-06/11

Red-figured crater:King Cadmos,an amphora in one hand, throws stones at the dra...

Red-figured crater 10-03-06/10,reverse side:three      
persons, an elegantly draped woman and two men in      
conversation between two plants with palmetto-leaves.  
H: 57 cm    N 3157

Red-figured crater 10-03-06/10,reverse side:three persons, an elegantly dr...

Red-figured bell-crater from Apulia:Apollo purifies    
Orestes with the blood of a piglet.Orestes still holds 
the dagger with which he has killed his mother.        
Klitaimnestra tries to wake the sleeping Furies.       
(Aischylos,Eumenides). 380 BCE;   H:48,7cm   Cp 710

Red-figured bell-crater from Apulia:Apollo purifies Orestes with the blood o...

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' 
son and the Trojan princess Polyxena,daughter of       
Priamos,at the grave of Achilles.                      
E 180

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' son and the Trojan princ...

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' 
son and the Trojan princess Polyxena,daughter of       
Priamos,at the grave of Achilles.                      
E 182

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' son and the Trojan princ...

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' 
son and the Trojan princess Polyxena,daughter of       
Priamos,at the grave of Achilles.                      
E 180

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' son and the Trojan princ...

Metope from the temple of Mirina: hunting scene.

Metope from the temple of Mirina: hunting scene.

The centaur Nessos and Heracles' wife Dejaneira.       
Attic red-figured vase, 5th BCE

The centaur Nessos and Heracles' wife Dejaneira. Attic red-figured vase,...

Siren (Mermaid).Overall view.                          
Attic red-figured stamnos                              
(5th BCE).

Siren (Mermaid).Overall view. Attic red-figured stamno...