Temple of Ceres, Goddess of Agriculture, Paestum. The Doric temple has 34 fluted...
The so-called "Basilika" in Paestum is the oldest local temple and not a basilic...
The funeral banquet. Second panel of the "tomb of the diver", the only remainin...
Roman amphitheatre in Sybaris.
Sybaris, Greek ruins.
The Tower of the Winds, Athens, Greece. In Athens (1751) James Stuart and Nicho...
The Erechtheum, Athens, Greece. In Athens (1751) James Stuart and Nicholas Reve...
Thera Island (Santorini), Greece, was inhabited by a highly civilized populat...
Thera Island (Santorini), Greece, was inhabited by a highly civilized populat...
Thera Island (Santorini), Greece, was inhabited by a highly civilized populat...
Thera Island (Santorini), Greece, was inhabited by a highly civilized populat...
Thera Island (Santorini), Greece, was inhabited by a highly civilized populat...