Ulysses stealing away from the cave of Polyphem. Marble, 1st CE...
Ulysses hands the sleeping draught to Polyphemus. Relief on a sarcophagus...
Ulysses' companion changed into a pig by Circe. Alabaster funeral urn (...
Ulysses recognized by Euryclea, his nurse, who discovered the scar...
Argus, the dog, recognizes Ulysses. Relief on a Roman sarco...
Penelope mourning. Terracotta plaque (1st...
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Head of a female figure,Keros,Syros group, Spedos figure type. Early Cycladic...
#100103 2
Female idol. Marble statue (2nd mill....
#100103 3
Female idol. Marble statue (2000 BCE)...
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Female statue. Clay with dark brown pai...
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Two ducks with dark brown paint. Grey clay vase (3rd mill...
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Yellow clay beaked pitcher with light veneer and da...